The Moto X Smart Phone and Big Launcher

Motorola recently very kindly lent us their latest Moto X smart phone so we could review the accessibility features. Stay tuned for reviews on the built in screen reader ‘Talk Back’ and the built in magnification (sneak preview: they’re both excellent). In the meantime we anted to tell you about an app called Big Launcher

The app (pictured above) simplifies the android operating system to 6 large and easy to use buttons. the top left button is used to make calls, next to that is the messaging button, then is the camera button, the picture viewer button, the SOS button (which can be pre-programmed with a personal SOS number) and an applications button to access other apps on the phone. 

In the app settings you can select different text sizes, whether you want button functions to be spoken when ‘long pressed’ and if you want the button name (e.g phone) to be displayed when ‘long pressed’. Additionally it is possible to customize the buttons to show different functions, and have a large battery indicator and signal indicator displayed. 

This app is great for seniors who want an easy to use phone, or the visually impaired or blind user who is just getting started in the smart phone market. Best of all, it costs just $10! Big Launcher worked great on the Moto X thanks to its responsive touchscreen , large screen and powerful processor, and we highly recommend both the phone and the app. 

For more information call Luke at 3129973649, and to see our products go to

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