Corporations & Foundations

The support of Chicago’s philanthropic community is critical in helping to meet the needs of the people we serve at The Chicago Lighthouse. We invite corporations and foundations that wish to support our mission to partner with us.

Corporations & Foundations

We work with corporations and foundations of all sizes that wish to play a role in achieving our mission.

Corporate Partnerships

Corporate partnerships are tailored to each partner’s desired level of involvement. These partnerships can include financial support for specific programs or general operations, event sponsorship, in-kind contributions and a variety of volunteer opportunities.

Corporations can also support The Chicago Lighthouse through a matching gift program. A matching gift can double or even triple the impact of an individual employee’s financial contribution.


Financial support from corporate, private and family foundations play a vital role in supporting over 35 different programs that help our clients lead independent lives.

We welcome and appreciate gifts of all sizes. Gifts can be applied in many ways including general operating support, specific program support, capital support and growing our endowment.

For more information, please contact:

Lora Nickels
Senior Director, Individual Giving
(312) 997-3643
Email Lora


Locations & Contact

The Chicago Lighthouse provides education, employment, independent-living, and specialized services for people who are blind, visually impaired, disabled and Veterans throughout Chicagoland. Contact us today to learn more at (312) 666-1331.

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