Our Low Vision Research Department is home to cutting-edge low vision rehabilitation research. Dedicated to the advancement of rehabilitation methods, our research team is focused on developing and evaluating behavioral therapies for persons who are visually impaired and blind. Through a patient-centered approach, we design, improve, and implement rehabilitative techniques and assistive technologies to help individuals with vision loss achieve greater independence and enhance quality of life.
The Low Vision Research Program was established in 2008 when Dr. Janet Szlyk, a career rehabilitation scientist in the field of low vision, joined The Lighthouse as Executive Director. With her distinguished research background, Dr. Szlyk’s expertise has expanded our ability to offer superior integrated low vision care with an emphasis on innovation and collaboration. We are proud to be partnering on research efforts with other innovative organizations serving the low vision and blind population, including the Arlene R. Gordon Research Institute at Lighthouse Guild, Wicab, Inc. and Jesse Brown VA Medical Center.