Q&A with Brittany Davis, Transitional Employment Specialist

As a Transitional Employment Specialist, Brittany Davis helps clients in The Chicago Lighthouse’s Employment Services Program develop the skills and confidence they need to thrive in the modern workplace. She oversees the internship program for The Lighthouse’s Low Vision Call Center, which gives clients practical experience in a customer service center in a supportive environment. She also teaches assistive technology courses, helping people who are blind or visually impaired learn to use applications like JAWS (a screen reader) and ZoomText (a screen magnification program) in an office environment. Read on to learn more about her work and the impact she has on those she serves.

What does your work entail?
I’m working to ensure our clients have the skills and confidence to transition back into the workplace. Many people who come to us have recently lost their sight. They may already know how to use a computer but need to learn how to use assistive technology like JAWS or ZoomText in order to reenter the workforce. Others have no prior computer experience, so we start from scratch with things like turning the computer on, touch typing, and learning the keyboard.

Another big part of helping people with disabilities find employment is staying up to date on available assistive technology. Assistive technology is constantly evolving, and it’s important for me to know what is out there and what will best help my clients meet their goals.

How does The Lighthouse’s program help clients prepare for the workforce?
Our Employment Services Program really meets people where they’re at—whether they need to develop soft skills, computer literacy or job-specific training. At the beginning of their job search, they work with me on skill development, typically for about six months. Then, they transition to a job counselor, who helps them with resume building and job placement for another six months (or more) until they find the perfect fit.

What do you enjoy most about working with individuals in the disability community?
I love seeing individuals flourish and gain independence. Every day is different, and I love that variety in my work. But most of all, I’m proud of my clients—they’re incredibly strong and tenacious, and it’s rewarding to watch people grow and progress in their journey toward self-sufficiency. in ways they didn’t think were possible.

You can ensure that our Employment Services program can continue to help people with disabilities and Veterans thrive in the workplace by making a gift today.

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