What’s New in Victor Reader Stream Version 4.4?

                Last week, HumanWare released the long awaited update to it’s Victor Reader Stream second generation book player. The new features that have been added are designed to enhance the player’s capabilities when connected to a wifi network. Users in the United States now have the ability to download books directly from the National Library Service to the device, as well as the ability to subscribe to podcasts that are downloaded for offline play.

                The search functionality for both podcasts and the NLS service is rather self-explanatory and very easy to use. One can search by a variety of methods. One can enter text directly using the numeric keypad to search or it is possible for one to browse available options by category. A simple press of the pound key on the desired book or podcast feed will prompt the player to immediately begin downloading the content.

Another rather simple but quite useful feature that has been added to the new software is the battery and download status shortcut key. If one presses and holds the pound key the current download status and battery level is announced. This means the user no longer has to navigate through the entire info screen to hear battery status and current download percentage. To purchase a Victor reader Stream, or for more specific information on how these new features work, feel free to give us a call at 800-919-3375.

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