Building An Inclusive Community Through Volunteer Work
Since 2005 when Chicagoland Reading Information Service (CRIS) Radio began broadcasting from The Chicago Lighthouse, volunteers have been its backbone. We have readers of all ages, backgrounds and skills. They dedicate thousands of hours each year to read the day’s news and other printed material, so that some 19,000 listeners with vision loss or other print disabilities can be connected and informed about their community.
Every volunteer has a unique reason for providing this service. Some have family members with vision loss. Others simply want to refine their voiceover skills. Many simply love reading and want to share their joy. Some readers have volunteered for decades, while others came to us just last year. No matter the reason or amount of time they’ve been with us, they have created a vibrant and inclusive community.
This community of volunteers came together once again this fall, forming the “Sandy’s Readers’” team for the Rise to Shine Run & Walk. They raised more than $2,600 for The Lighthouse’s programs and came out on that Sunday to support our mission and community.
Thank you CRIS Radio readers—and all of those who help further our mission as volunteers—for making our community what it is.
Sandy Murillo is an Associate Producer at Chicago Lighthouse Media and a graduate of our Birth-to-Three Program.