OrCam Financing Options

Potential Funding Sources for OrCam

  1. Care Credit: Healthcare credit cards for healthcare purchases
    To learn more, take a look at how to apply on their website here.
  2. Six Month Layaway Program: The Chicago Lighthouse will reserve items up to 6 months upon request. Call our Tools for Living store to learn more: 1(800) 919-3375
  3. IATP Device Loan Program: Lets potential AT users try devices prior to purchase, have access to a backup system when their device is in for repairs and/or have access to a device while waiting for their device to be delivered.
    Borrow a device for 5 weeks by filling out an application.
  4. Lions Club: For nearly 100 years, Lions Clubs have worked to improve their communities through projects and programs. Each club is unique in how it serves. A Lions club in or near your community may sponsor a  program that provides assistance for the purchase of eyeglasses, hearing aids, health-related services, scholarships or educational needs.To find your local Lions Club here or call (630) 571-5466.
  5. Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS) Program: PASS program assists individuals who are receiving SSI (Supplemental Security Income) to set aside resources towards an approved plan for achieving self-support without impacting SSI benefits. This plan will cover home modifications and assistive technology through a SSI savings plan.
  6. Department of Education Independent Living Services for Older Individuals (55+) Who Are Blind: Grants are made to states to support services for individuals age 55 or older whose severe visual impairment makes competitive employment difficult to obtain but for whom independent living goals are feasible. For more information, please contact:
    Roseann Ashby
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW | PCP, Room 5151 | Washington, DC 20202
    Phone: 202-245-7258 | FAX: 202-245-7590
    Email: roseann.ashby@ed.gov
  7. The Assistive Technology Fund (for Residents of the United States): Assistive Technology Fund (ATF) which is operated by the Association of Blind Citizens. If the person qualifies the ATF will provide funds to pay for 50% of the MSRP of the adaptive device. The applicant must be legally blind and a resident of the USA. Applications are submitted by email (atf@blindcitizens.org) only. For more details and required applicant qualifications, click here.
  8. Members of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) & Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU): Members of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) can join the Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) to take advantage of access loans to assist someone with a disability. To use the services of the DCU you must first join the AAPD. Membership is only $15. To join both AAPD and the Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) at the same time, you can do so from the DCU website at www.dcu.org or by calling them at (800) 328-8797. At the DCU website click on Loans/Visa and then other loans and then Mobility Vehicles and Access Loans. The Access Loans can be for up to 72 months and require no down payment.
  9. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE): Accounts ABLE Accounts can be Used by Individuals with Disabilities to Save Money to Support Independence, Employment, and Pay for or Leverage Funding for Assistive Technology. Learn more here.


Websites To Find Applicable Funding Opportunities:

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