Seniors Program Chicago – Book Club – Call-In Only, Wake Up With Purpose!

This program will take place over-the-phone.

Please direct all program inquiries and RSVPs to Melissa Wittenberg at T: (847) 510-2060 or

CALL-IN INSTRUCTIONS: After you RSVP for any/all programs that you’d like to participate in, here’s how to call into each of the programs – we will use the same call-in number for all programs: To join any of the programs over-the-phone, dial 872-242-7995. It will then ask you to enter the Conference ID  737 107 407 followed by #. It will ask if you are the meeting organizer and since you are not, continue waiting and shortly after that you will be admitted into the program.

Most participants will use the free Talking Books player. The audio book player will be mailed to you at no cost, as well as all audio books. We can help you complete an application if you are not yet enrolled in the program. Please RSVP to Melissa in advance of the program at: (847) 510-2060.

This month, we will discuss the autobiography, Wake Up With Purpose: what I’ve learned in my first hundred years by Jean Dolores Schmidt, listening time, 6.25 hours, book #DB115242 in the TBBS catalog.

Part life story, part philosophy text, & part spiritual guide, Sister Jean’s wit, wisdom, & common sense has broad appeal & application that transcends religious creed, belief, & even feelings on Loyola’s basketball team. Along with her collaborator Seth Davis, an award-winning writer, broadcaster & New York Times best-selling author, Wake Up with Purpose! lets you experience: Sister Jean’s words & her spirit; her sharp sense of humor; life lessons gleaned from one hundred years of living; universal themes that connect us all; & priceless wisdom. The driving force inside Wake Up with Purpose! is the narrative of Sister Jean’s fascinating life–from teaching at a Catholic school during the Second World War to serving on a Chicago college campus in the sixties & beyond to cheering from the sidelines of a men’s basketball tournament in March 2018. As you learn about Sister Jean’s century-long life, you’ll feel just like the Loyola students do when they knock on her office door, plop down in a chair, & ask if she would have time to chat, an activity that she still does daily.

RSVP to Melissa at: (847) 510-2060.

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