Don’t miss this week’s episode of Ask the Vision Loss Experts: Coping with COVID-19. May 28.
Is your city opening back up? We’ll address some of your concerns and talk about what to expect when visiting your eye care provider. Join us as our vision loss experts discuss these issues and more in our next Facebook Live session this Thursday, June 11 at 11:00 AM CST!
Co-hosts Dr. Bryan Wolynski, low vision optometrist and consultant for OrCam, and Dr. Tricia Grant, scientist and Senior Director of Low Vision Research at The Chicago Lighthouse, will be joined by special guest, Kara Crumbliss, O.D., F.A.A.O., the Vice President of Clinical Services at The Chicago Lighthouse where she oversees our Low Vision Clinic and practices vision rehabilitation.
Please join us this week and share with others you know who may benefit from this discussion. Audience questions and comments are encouraged.