March 1 “Raising the Stakes for Vision” Promises a Good Time for All!
Feb 9th, 2018
Please join us at Gibsons Steakhouse/Hugo’s Frog Bar, 1024 N. Rush Street in Chicago, on Thursday, March 1, for “Raising the
Stakes for Vision: Poker & Casino Night,” an evening of great food, an open bar, fun and Games.
You’ll also have a chance to win over $20,000 in prizes, all while helping Chicago Lighthouse North programs that assist people
In the north and northwest suburbs who are blind, visually impaired, disabled and Veterans.
GRAND PRIZE is a $10,000 seat at the WORLD SERIES of POKER MAIN EVENT!
Doors open at 5:30 pm; Cards fly at 7 pm.
For more information, visit https://chicagolighthouse.org/event/casino/
or call (312) 447-3448.