Chicago Filipino-American Lions Club Presents Check to Lighthouse
Citing its outstanding programs for people with disabilities and Veterans, The Chicago Lighthouse was given a $1,000 donation from the Chicago Filipino-American Lions Club on June 21st.
Presenting the check to Lighthouse President & CEO Dr. Janet Szlyk was Chapter President Yoly Zoleta. Joining her were several club members and Past District Governor Wes Salsbury.
Dr. Szlyk thanked the Lions for their generous donation and past support. She noted that their $1,000 check was the first the organization received to help match the $200,000 grant The Lighthouse is seeking from the International Lions Clubs to help fund the new Beatrice C. Mayer Seniors Center. Set to open sometime in 2017, the facility will include a visitors’ center designed to celebrate the rich partnership between The Lighthouse and Lions.
Following the check presentation, the Lions took a guided tour of The Lighthouse and met with staff and program participants.