Message from the CEO

Browse a collection of messages from Chicago Lighthouse President and CEO Dr. Janet Szlyk on what is happening around The Lighthouse.

A Kaleidoscope of Social Impact

Spring 2023


An annual report is more than simply a summary of accomplishments from the previous year. It is a reflection of how our many programs and services have combined to create something more impactful than the individual parts could ever accomplish on their own.

For 116 years, our programs have reflected the light of our community, illuminating the boundless potential of each individual we serve and collectively working together to improve the lives of individuals who are blind, visually impaired, disabled and Veterans everywhere. Our longevity and success are a result of the perpetual motion of innovation as we work to address our community’s constantly evolving needs.

In the following pages, you will read stories about how our programs create and reflect our vision of access and inclusion, working together to create a Kaleidoscope of Social Impact. From our Digital Accessible Experience experts, all of whom are blind, working with companies to optimize software for people with visual impairments to a weekly disability news radio segment, our work celebrates the potential of every individual and illustrates how those individuals, working together, create an ever-changing mosaic of beauty through purpose.

Our Kaleidoscope of Social Impact would be nothing without the individual pieces within it. Our clients, staff, volunteers, and supporters are the elements that, when reflected upon each other, create the beautiful form that is The Chicago Lighthouse.
Thank you all for being part of­­—and reflecting—our light.

Janet P. Szlyk, Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer

Low Vision Research Laboratory

Research & Publications by Dr. Szlyk

Interviews with Dr. Szlyk

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