Seniors Program – Computer Training: In-Person Only in Chicago
This program will take place in-person at our Chicago office.
Please direct all program inquiries and RSVPs to Melissa Wittenberg at T: (847) 510-2060 or
Are you a first-time computer user who needs to become familiar with the keyboard & typing? Then using Talking Typer™, a computer keyboarding & typing training that speaks & displays lessons on screen might be helpful for you. It includes drills, practice, & typing games & is adjustable to your level of skill & sight impairment. Alternatively, do you know how to use a computer, but need some accessibility software to assist you? Check your email, search the Internet & strengthen your current computer skills with light support from staff using ZoomText (magnification software) or JAWS® (screen reader software).
Class size is limited so you must pre-register with Melissa at least one week in advance at: 847-510-2060.