Beeping Egg Hunt

A white egg with the words: Beeping Egg Hunt for children with visual impairment and their families against a green and purple polka dot background

Please join us at our Beeping Egg Hunt for children with visual impairments and their families.

Richard E. Johns Park
2101 Central Road, Glenview, IL 60025


  • Rain or shine
  • Siblings invited to participate
  • Treats for all
  • Ice cream social following egg hunt

Space is limited so register online as soon as possible. Registration closes by April 4th:

  • By registering for this event, I acknowledge on behalf of all attendees that accompany me, that photos and videos will be taken at this event. I grant permission for The Chicago Lighthouse & The Glenview Lions Club to use, minimally retouch, edit, and/or crop photographs and videos of me/my fellow attendees for promotional purposes. There will be no compensation for the use of images or likenesses.

    In addition, I hereby fully release and forever discharge The Chicago Lighthouse and The Glenview Lions from any & all claims for injuries, damages, or loss that I may have, or which may accrue to me/my fellow attendees & arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with this program/activity.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Sponsored by the Glenview Lions Club
For more information, contact:
Melissa Wittenberg, VP, Community Relations or (847) 510-2060.



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