
The true measure of our humanity is what we can do for others. Your donation will impact the lives of more than 67,000 individuals served by The Chicago Lighthouse each year.

Give Monthly

Become a Lighthouse Keeper today and join a group of generous and loyal donors who make recurring gifts to fuel the mission of The Chicago Lighthouse all year long.

Lighthouse Stories

We change lives every day. These are the stories of the lives touched by The Chicago Lighthouse.

Planned Giving

With a planned gift, you can help thousands of people served by The Chicago Lighthouse each year while making responsible financial choices for your future.

Corwith Hamill Society

In honor of Mr. Hamill and his lifelong generosity, the Corwith Hamill Society recognizes and honors long-term donors to The Chicago Lighthouse.

Samuelson Society

The Samuelson Society, named after former Executive Director Milton J. Samuelson, honors individuals who make planned gifts to The Chicago Lighthouse.

Corporations & Foundations

We partner with corporations and foundations of all sizes that wish to play a role in achieving our mission.

Locations & Contact

The Chicago Lighthouse provides education, employment, independent-living, and specialized services for people who are blind, visually impaired, disabled and Veterans throughout Chicagoland. Contact us today to learn more at (312) 666-1331.

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