Mental Health Matters

Mental health and vision health are closely linked. Studies have shown that people with vision impairments are at an increased risk for depression, anxiety, and other psychological conditions. Unfortunately, many of these conditions can go untreated for any number of reasons leading to poorer overall health.

To help alter this trajectory among the populations we serve, The Chicago Lighthouse has been awarded a nearly $1 million grant from the Office of Behavioral Health at Cook County Health to increase the delivery of our mental health services, as well as expand our community outreach and educational efforts, particularly among those living in under-resourced communities.

Dr. Patricia Grant and a Cook County Health member awarding a grant

The grant will bring together the professionals from several different Lighthouse departments, including Research, Clinical Services, the Bergman Institute for Psychological Support, and Employment and Rehabilitation Services, to improve early detection of mental health needs and facilitate treatment for our clients as well as other community members. The grant will also support efforts to raise awareness about common mental health issues, identify barriers to care, and reduce stigmas frequently associated with mental health issues.

“By increasing knowledge and reducing stigma around mental health issues, we hope to empower our clients and community members to recognize early signs of mental health issues and access vital support when needed, regardless of their location or financial means,” says Dr. Patricia Grant, The Lighthouse’s Senior Vice President of Research, who will oversee the grant’s implementation.

The programs, which will also include educational programs for primary care and specialized providers and a paid internship program to train the next generation of mental health practitioners, mark a bit of a full circle of service for Lighthouse President and CEO Dr. Janet P. Szlyk. Prior to joining The Lighthouse, Dr. Szlyk’s lab at University of Illinois at Chicago explored the intersectionality of psychology and visual function.

The Chicago Lighthouse was one of 53 organizations selected – out of a total 320 applications submitted – to receive a grant through Cook County Health’s “Stronger Together: Building a More Equitable Behavioral Health System Initiative.”


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