Honoring a Lifetime of Extraordinary Vision

Ann Nathan was a woman who opened doors for others. First as the owner of a successful temp agency and then as a pioneering art gallerist, she spent her career providing opportunities for others. Ann passed away on May 5, 2024 at the age of 98. Even after her death, she continues to help others thrive through the important mission of The Chicago Lighthouse.

“Ann’s macular degeneration was particularly challenging considering her passion for art. While she struggled to see in her later years, she never lost her powerful vision. Ultimately, it was this extraordinary sense that defined her life. A true visionary, she supported and inspired by seeing what others couldn’t,” says her daughter, Betsy Nathan.

During her lifetime, Ann and her late husband, Walter, a Lighthouse board member, supported the organization through annual philanthropic contributions and gifts of artwork to beautify our facility. When Ann considered how her friends and family would celebrate her life, she designated The Chicago Lighthouse as the recipient for gifts made in her memory. By doing so, Ann ensured her legacy will live on and provide essential services to others facing diminished eyesight.

Her daughter recalls “Mom was so grateful for the opportunity to work with The Lighthouse. Over the last decade of her life, The Lighthouse met her where she was with her low vision needs. It’s a wonderful organization with an extremely talented and thoughtful team. We are very appreciative to all who have made contributions in Mom’s memory so The Lighthouse can continue to provide their invaluable resources and support to others.”


You can celebrate your life by asking loved ones to support The Chicago Lighthouse. To learn more about memorial gifts and planning for a legacy that helps those in need, contact Lora Nickels at (312) 997-3643 or lora.nickels@chicagolighthouse.org.

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